February is MEMBERSHIP MONTH for NARI! $50 off new memberships all month long!

Become a Member

Please fill out the membership application (found a little lower on this page) to apply for membership in the San Antonio chapter of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry. Once you have submitted your application, please submit your new membership dues of $585 using the PayPal interface found below the application form.

Full payment must be secured at the time of application for new membership. New applications cannot be processed without full payment. Payment can be made through PayPal on this page or via credit card. If you wish to pay via credit card, please contact Angela Parks via email.

Credit cards will not be run until the application is approved by the San Antonio NARI Board of Directors. If your application is denied, your credit card information will not be retained in our records. Should your application be denied by the Board of Directors and you paid through PayPal, your application and membership fees will be refunded in full.

    San Antonio NARI Member Profile

    Member Name:
    Company Name:
    Company Address:
    Company City:
    Company State:
    Company Zipcode:
    Member Email:
    Phone Number:
    Website URL:
    Member Company Logo (web address):
    (i.e. www.company.com/images/logo.gif)

    Membership Type:
    Contact Name (required):
    Email (required):

    Company License Number:
    Years in Business:

    Other Comments:

    Member Specialitie(s)

    Company Description: (You may list certifications and memberships of remodeling-related organizations.)

    Please review this application to ensure that all information in complete and correct. Dues must accompany this application for new memberships, and should be submitted to the NARI chapter. Application to the NARI chapter grants the chapter permission to conduct a credit check in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and relevant public laws. Chapter membership is accordingly provisional and subject to approval of the NARI Chapter Board of Directors.

    I have reviewed the information contained in this membership application and confirm that this information is correct to the best of my knowledge and attest that I am in compliance with the Code of Ethics contained on this website, and agree to comply with the Bylaws and Code of Ethics of the Association in the future.

    Signature: (type full name as digital signature)

    Enter the letters below into the validation field:

    NOTE: Membership Dues are deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. However, pursuant to the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1993, NARI National estimates that $20.00 of these dues is not deductible for federal income tax purposes. The dues amount also includes a $15.00 subscription to The Remodeler's Journal magazine which may not be deducted. The local chapter has also included membership dues in the National Association of the Remodeling Industry which they have agreed to forward to NARI Headquarters. Finally, contributions to the National Remodeling Foundation (deductible as charitable contributions) may be included with your payment.

    New Membership Payment

    Use this interface to submit your payment of $585 for your first year’s dues.

    Company Name

    National Association of the Remodeling Industry